nsfw:racy: Likely ocr: BRITAIN'S: BEST-SELLUNG MACINTOSH MAGK ISSUE 41 ISSUE 41 L- SEMMUER 1996 a C4.99 WITH CD-ROM September 1996 On the disk: DeBabelizer Lite LE complete; 8 utilities On the CD-ROM: demos of Photoshop 3.0.5, Director 5.0 and Hexen; Digital Dreams Goo movies; graphics shareware 31 I page special Solbwifgreviews Allyouneento Expert tecininuezal Know/@bputumage DEmpsmimagEs editing on CD Inside: manipulation Huge image feature; tests of Digitall hardware scanners & digital cameras; ordate unsg sptions en - numeracy multimedia; Let's - KISS spreadsheet; Director 5 ames 0 Wietest Directorso tte latest ...